Sunday, May 11, 2008

wk 6- AEP so far in year 4

well a post out of the ordinary for you guys. in stead of some feature and introduction to art styles, i'm going to talk about art in general this year, my feelings and stuff. maybe we can call it a reflection.

basically i think this years SOVA has been slightly less interesting
but i think mrs tay's training has really caused us to improve. it is like we instead if knowing the art form, we know how to analyze it, how to write an essay how to argue and know what the question is asking for. in a sense its teaching us to be more exam smart. yes i must admit i am not horribly excited  about learning about asian artists ( singapore ones particularly) but i guess we do need to learn many things and we should not leave out our own roots either! 

however i think all in all i'm still alright with the whole system, despite the increased amount of stress this has caused. i think after miraculously getting 19/20 for my SOVA test really made me go " woah i can do this? it is possible?" it is something like what i had experience last year i suppose and i hope it will lead to what it lead to last year too! ( last year i also aced some math test after lots of hard work over the june holidays and caused my marks to rocket upwards)
an even better esteem booster would definitely be the mock test we had on monday. i did not realise there was a test on mon and since i found out a tad late ( i forgot all about taking the notes) mrs tay decided that since there was a larger amount that had forgotten to take the notes that the test would be postponed. amazingly the next day i went to class unprepared and unstudied and found out we were to do the test as a practice.

i was sort of surprised and annoyed but i did it in the end. on friday when i got my paper back i was utterly shocked. i had gotten 15/15 a full mark! i never thought it was possible, but i believe this 2 times lucky should mean that i should really study more so i can get amazing marks!

on the side about studio. i also think i am enjoying it much more this year. for some amazing coincidence my NAFA teacher is also my studio teacher. so it is kind of interesting since i got to know her alot better than any other of the students since i got to see her so many times.
we went back to basics doing shadings and paintings. it was refreshing since i have not done those in a long time and it was a good time to brush up my skills again.

i like the fact we got to do such a huge painting. it has now turned into my pride and joy, something i really want to do well! UOB competition here i come!

so in all i believe i performed better for art this year since my weak point SOVA has suddenly turn into my excelling subject and my studio is much better as i am much more familiar with it than the rest of the class and more familiar with it as compared to chinese painting. or animation.

so hopefully it is a pretty A+ for art on my report book and a high GPA to go with it. better art journeys in the future and more things to try out.

wk 5-- cosfest 2008

hello there guys! yes i know its not wk 5, but i needa start doin my journal again
school has been hectic so bear with me as i try to find stuff to talk about again!

today i shall talk about cosfest 2008

it is basically a cosplaying festival in... where else? tiny little singapore!
yes its kind of amazing that we do have art conventions like this!

i only got to know that we had such art conventions last year and went for my first one last year too. it was the EOY festival and i got to meet many singaporean in born talents. it was absolutely amazing!

first off i'd say that my first presumption of singapore before that was that singapore was so small, it didn't have any fan base or time  and manpower to pull such conventions off. since conventions sounded like huge events done in other countries such as USA. but i was pleasantly surprised when i got news of such an event and obviously rushed down to have a look.

as expected cosfest is all about cosplaying and anime/manga art. yes it may be subjective if these can be considered art, but that would be another discussion. when i met up with my friend there to have a look i was sort of shocked to see a lot of people dressed up in costumes. i suppose just because its kind of freaky and shocking for me to imagine myself wearing such costumes... it just probably is not for them.

well cosplaying aside, there were many artist there. and they were the aim of the day really.
i was actually kind of disappointed since most of them either did fan art based work or cosplay based products. i only saw one person selling photography and she's none other than the most amazing zemotion. needless to say i was psyched to see her in person! so obviously i bought loads of prints from here and got her signature! yay.

but the other artists were not quite my cup of tea... oh well it was an interesting experience still. now the upcoming event would be cosfest. its in july 5 and 6 and this would mean its during the school days!
but fret not, there is a public holiday on the 7th so all joy to the world i would not just die.

i also believe this fest would be much more up to my taste as compared to last years EOY. well basically there is one person there that is my main reason to go. TOOUNIT  haha. my utter most idolized artist. i really can't wait to meet him!

also i have been offered a table at cosfest. a table basically means a booth there to sell your items. yes i know what everyone is going to ask:" WHAT ARE YOU SELLING?" frankly i know my art is definitely not up to par. especially with the fact that there are going to be so many amazing artist there. so no i would believe i would not be selling my art there( in the form of prints etc)

on the bright side i recently picked up plushie making and yes, i enjoy it quite alot!
and from  what i have heard you do not see many plushies there... so i am hoping the freshness is gonna i've me some brownie points! cross my fingers!

so all the best for me, and i hope i get to meet and make loads of new friends as part of the experience of getting a table. i'll see you guys there!