Sunday, December 13, 2009

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

just came back from visiting rusty and his family!! :D omg it was crazy
there was 12 dogs in the house
4 puppies and 8 "full grown" dogs. its. siao. o.o
the group pic din have everyone... but almost la :O ahha photos below :O
crazy puppies and russel
left to right: rusty, shadow russel
left to right: romeo (blue puppy), cookie ( mummy), shadow, russel, brownie ( pinkie)
left to right :romeo (blue puppy), zai zai (daddy), shadow, russel, brownie ( pinkie)
left to right: romeo(blue boy), russel, zai zai(daddy)
cookie: mummy dog
zai zai: daddy dog
puppies present:
blue: romeo, currently staying with family!
green: rusty, currently the hugest dog of the litter ( LIKE HUGE) and my little doggy :O
pink: brownie, with isabel's mums fren. super guai compared to the others -.-
purple: in none of the photo but stays with family, was weakest of the litter and is blind and has alot of health problem :( poor thing
shadow: black poodle my guai guai cat like dog :D
russel: white poodle :)
extra litter: 4 NON NAMED PUPPIES T_T
8+ 4 =12 dogs in the house. HOZ D:
haha well it was quite fun :DD haha well i think all the puppies are in good hand :) haha

Saturday, November 8, 2008


hello all future to be year 5 photog club member!
haha pls ignore the below stuff, this is actually my AEP blog.. but eh nvm use it here for awhile just to hold polls and stuff :)

well i have actually put up a poll on the side of the blog ( shld b there...00.0)
so just go poll! and if you wanna suggest the name click the option and comment to this post.
yeap :)

and i think this will b a make shift area to do announcement until devainart account gets up :) please i really would want an awesome name for our club ID :D ahha i will be making the club by next week, earlier if everyone already responded :) oh yes also comment below tat u polled so i can count how many polled etc.

go go pple :D

PS: SHOOT carn have the ! cuz only number letters and hyphen allowed! sorry i din realise T_T and SHOOT is taken soo.. -.- i screwed up D: pls think of other names T_T ahha option 1 is invalid! ><

mm ok the poll looks abit not workin on my com.. so i think u gusy can just place votes as comments.. sorry for the screwed up system -.- arg

these were the grps tat got out. zhong hua: masquerade thing( i acty thoguth they were better than some tat got in :/) and other 2 dunno wad sch. lol top left corner one is home clothes ROFL.
when results came out we were like totally ARRRR PLS 3RD PLS 3RD ( cuz we already knew who 1,2 la. and is i agree they are good) bah
so they read out the 4 finalist, carn rembt he name of the sch but some photo of them here
and then the 3 merit prizes were:
1. st andrew
2, bedok south. desing werent too good but u could see the effort.
3. us -.- yes us. we din make it to top 3. brig wanted to cry huilign was like expected expected and  i was liek wtf -.-
bedoke south ( below) and the finalist frm day 1 (top)

you be the judge. wad do u think @_@ pls tell me im right.
2nd- outram sec or sumthing like tat.
it was pretty good i will say ( i am agreeable with 1st/2nd choice) nice design good use material
1st --anglican! haha ok they used quite alot of recycled material though their tops i think all were really just tubes or sumthing lor :/ no biggy. ours was plastic tube :/

and our dear models :( come on look at them THEY ARE AMAZING IN THEIR COSTUME OK. AMAZING. dun say nothing else abt it. D: i carn stand it
now we are depressed and annoyed and still carn stop abt it. but no choice i suppose. i shall fig out the money thing one day and get thigns done. for the mean time.. i really do think our clothes are good end of story. thank u :/

Sunday, September 7, 2008


ok random flower photo i got at the peggy gunaheim museum. mrs tay wanted me to go so i went. i think i saw dynamics of a speeding horse+ house there by boticelli. @_@ i think!
ok last post of the whole trip! im skipping out milan since there is so little photos and we really didn't do much there. wanted to catch the last supper but er. you had to book 3 wks in advance. thats even longer than our decision to even go milan ahha! anyway we were there  less than 24 hrs so we didn't do much. so now onto venice!

anyway this is the take on the boat trip from the main island to venice island. yes they have a MAIN island. you can't possibly land a place on the small little island can you!
i like the second photo it had this ray of light shining out from behind the moody clouds thing. its kinda hallelujah moment!
the rest were just water, clouds and building. was cloudy that day so not much. though the water is green! not grey! im surprised.
random walk around venice we came across many stuff er shan't elaborate since i don't know much about them anyway. there is one of me and my family at the famous bridge ahha. i saw it on mr yaps wallpaper and realise we both went to venice during the holidays! i don't think it was at the same time. didn't ask.
anyway the night one may not be clear but basically there are drains to get the rain water of the island right? but cause it was raining so much and the tide was coming in that day, it ended up flooding the island from the bottom. as sea levels rise venice would one day be submerged under water. this is proof!
the second last photo was taken in this soap shop. yes i know it looks like candy but its not. the smell was kind of overwhelming afterawhile though. the last one shows a venice mask. over there in venice the masks are very popular! my mum bought one as a suvenier. another thing famous was their glass. though i didn't get to see the workshops i got a few glass fountain pen for me and dawn :) somehow i had a feeling she would like it.

and to those who wonder
do the houses really just over look water??!
i say this picture says it all :)
im surprised the water is still. green.
since i was htinking it was going to be all polluted and rank. then again if that was the case there weren't be any tourist would there!
haha row row row your boat gently down the sea!
 didn't sit on the. boats ( forgot the name) but oh well i walked all over the island so it's good.


ok today we are off to barcelona. i mixed up the 2 days of photos since there werent any ont he first day. or much rather. sooo today we are going ot go back to some art cause well. barcelona has gaudi who is.. famous. sooo off to tourist attractions
i cant remember much about most of these historical things so excuse the lack of information
there are all of gaudi's art work. if you can't already tell he is an architect( lol huiling) and he designed and built all these houses. the first one is a huge monument that is still building to date. gaudi worked on it hile whole life but couldn't finish it. so the government has set orders to continue it's building. you can see construction sites all over the place.
the details are impeccable in there and its so detailed you really wonder why bother when its so high up and no one can see it!
there is this number plate thing where all the numbers in the highlighted row/column/arrangement add up to 33. i think its a christian thing, not sure of the significance but it is interesting!

in the garden, we actually had to climb a REALLY steep slope up. i'm talking 45 degrees and what not. thank god half way up they installed escalators! ( an advancement i noticed only in barcelona, not in paris) it was wonderful though. yay no more tired legs. i wanted to go the garden badly since it was a spot of many films the minute they went to barcelona. its iconic. the mosaic and the waves. i remember a season of america's next top model went there for their final runway. and i stood there! so cool! and i think the cheetah girl's had a movie scene there as well.
after that kind of walked around barcelona more. i relaise there are many wonderful buildings in the city which is quite amazing. they just suddenly pop out from nowhere. and bam there is this colourful building. even gaudi's buidlings were just smack int he middle of a busy area. im not sure who these are made by, but they are colourful!
this is the market and must i say it holds a large array of things from fruits ( tropical ones too!) to spices to gelato(ice cream) to seafood. you name it they got it. and all at reasonable prices. when i got to barcelona one thing i found was that their strawberries are. oh my god sinful sweet gems. they are literally so sweet its like you dipped them in sugar! plus they are sooooo much cheaper than those you get in singapore. and thats saying something what with the exchange rates.
at night we went to eat one of the top can't remember rank restraunts and had that rice seafood thing. its really yummy! every night my dad researched up the top ranking restraunts and we had our meals there ( freeinternet in hotel the joy) and the hotel had double decker bed and jaccuzi. soo haha its fun

lol next stop venice!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

bordeaux day 6

once again more flower pictures to start off this post! haha i think some have really gotten better. i particularly liek the purple flower and the red leaf:D the pink spiky thing is alot a cool plant. not a very good photo but a cool plant.

today we are off to more win tasting and the quaint little village like place of  st emilion. (read st-eh-mil-e-on) its a small little town tats on the outskirts of bordeux. once again view is.. oohlalala.
so off to all the wine tasting again
first place we went to was this guy who was really funny. D: he kept tricking me and my mum with magic tricks haha. i think its cause he has alot of kids so he does alot. its in this little house and we go to watch a video on wine making and what not.
after that went to this place where they had the wine all kept in caves. its quite cool, really cold and dark in the caves even though it was very nice and sunny outside. the place was over touristy though so we didn't get as much information out of the guide as the day before.(we didn't go as a tour group either so not much information in the first place)

after that went to the little town of st emillion. ( dont know how to spell again) we went to tour this underground church area where the people used to live. so under that whole town there is actually a whole underground world. really cool:D literally too!
 after that we went up to the bell tower and looked at the view from the top. was really cool since you could see the clean organisation of the quaint houses. its.. pratically a painting the organisation was really nice. and you could see the outskirts of the country side on the side. really was nice!

we also went there for another wine tour. this time its in this old guy's house. and its like this small little door which you go through and you realise the whole back of the house is huge! it was filled with antiqueish stuff, like those old wallpaper and stuff. really cool. then after tat we were kind of like where to next. we were lead down a steep staircase and into an underground cellar. after walking around you realise its huge @_@ i think it spreads to under his neighbours house! according to the guy the tunnels were made by the prisoners/soldier? during war and there were still some drawings on the wall to prove it. very very cool. he keeps wine in there which are like.. a million years old. i think i remember one 1800++ kind. thats way old. there is a photo where u can see mum and dad posing with a grimy old box with cobwebs. thats the one!
my year was a particularly bad year for them (1992) so all the wine during that time was really bad and cheap. haha! oh well so much for collecting your birthyear wine thing.

there was this guy selling his homemade cheese and he makes everyone try it. so we went to try too. it was really cool he just scraps off some from the surface with this cheese scraper thing and we get to eat flakes of cheese. its quite old and salty but quite nice. parents bought some back :)